
A New Hope

Thursday 19 January 2012

Hello, and welcome to the first entry of What I did on my holidays.

It has been a long time coming as I have often thought of starting a blog. Finally the day is here and hopefully I will keep the content flowing, or at least trickling.

My intention is that this blog will pull together an eclectic mix of subjects. There will most likely be reviews, primarily of books and records, but also of video and board games. There will be accounts of my myriad trips hunting elusive vinyl and second-hand books and, most likely, pieces on the wonderful wildlife I experience in my profession.

Without further ado I will point you all to the below.

Atom Punk is a post-apocalyptic co-op card game that I am assisting a friend in making. I will post much more information in the future but suffice to say it will rock!

For more information click here to read Cogentesque's development blog.

Much love



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